Welcome to "Chinese Characters for beginner"! This is an elementary course on learning Chinese characters. Together, we will start from the basic element of Chinese characters-- Strokes. Then we will learn 1,200 basic Chinese words composed of 240 commonly used Chinese characters, which begin with “一”(one), including pronunciation, shape and meaning, so that to improve the learning effect. ① Each Chinese character is with pinyin; ② Each Chinese character is shown in the form of animation in the process of writing, namely strokes; ③ English translation is used on the Chinese character can be a word itself. Other Chinese characters can not be independent of words are the characters of. The English translation of this kind of characters is marked in parentheses; ④ Each Chinese word is accompanied by Pinyin, English translation and picture, which is easy to understand; ⑤ There are proper exercises at the end of each lesson. Good luck !
    This is an elementary-level Korean language course, consisting of 5 lessons with 4 units, and covers 4 skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The main topics include basic expressions used in everyday life, such as greetings, introducing yourself, talking about your family and a daily life and so on. Each lesson covers dialogues, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, quizzes and role-plays. After completing this course, you will be able to 1. read and write Korean alphabet. 2. communicate in Korean with basic expressions. 3. learn basic knowledge on Korean culture. It’s fun and easy to follow! Enjoy it!
      本课程根据外国学生学习汉语的特点,比较系统地介绍了汉语的主要语法,像词类、句子成分、单句、复句、篇章、表达方法,等等;着重指出了外国学习者学习汉语语法的难点和重点,并通过大量有针对性的练习,帮助学习者去掌握、运用,从而提高学习者的汉语水平。 According to the characteristics of the foreign student learning Chinese, this course systematically introduces the main grammar of Chinese, such as part of speech, sentence constituent, single sentence, complex sentence, discourse, expression method. This course emphatically points out the important and difficult points in the foreign student’s Chinese grammar learning, and through a large number of targeted trainings, the course helps learners to master and use, thus to improve Chinese level of the learner.
        Russian is considered to be one of the most difficult languages in the world, and many learners struggle to master its grammar and pronunciation. This course is aimed at those who wants to work in Russia, do business with Russian partners or study on business-related majors in Russian. In three units of this intensive course learners are going to find out how to introduce yourself and your company to business partners and potential clients, how to tell about your work and sphere of business, how to maintain small talk and tell about your hobbies and preferences in an informal setting. The course introduces such grammar topics as the use of Accusative, Instrumental and Prepositional case, verbs with suffixes -ова- and -ева-, formation of Past Tense, the use of words уже and ещё, reflexive verbs and their use. Learners can practice their skills and test themselves in Grammar quiz section. The course provides extensive vocabulary with more than 300 new words and conversational phrases which learners can use in their everyday communication on professional or informal topics. Each unit of the course contains dialogues, which are extremely useful for those who wants to listen to original Russian speech and get used to the pace and intonations of Russian language. Scripts, audio and exercises are provided for all dialogues of the course. In the end of the course learner will have a chance to use the material leant and assess their progress while preparing the Final Assignment. This course is aimed at those who already achieved A2-A2+ level in Russian.
          Russian is considered to be one of the world's most difficult languages. This course is aimed at helping those who are interested in understanding the basics of Russian language. Every unit of the course consists of several parts explaining vocabulary, phonetics (pronunciation), grammar, and provides examples of simple dialogues in Russian. Upon completion of the course students will have learned: the structure of simple narrative and interrogative sentences; the formation of Russian names; the three genders of nouns; the difference between Russian adjectives and adverbs, and their uses; the use of verbs in the Present and Past tense as well as their conjugation. The course contains more than 100 new words and conversational phrases providing the learner with a basic vocabulary for everyday communication.
            Everywhere, every day, everybody uses language. There is no human society, no matter how small or how isolated, which does not employ a language that is rich and diverse. This course introduces you to linguistics, featuring interviews with well-known linguists and with speakers of many different languages. Join us to explore the miracles of human language! The Miracles of Human Language introduces you to the many-faceted study of languages, which has amazed humans since the beginning of history. Together with speakers of many other languages around the world, as well as with famous linguists such as Noam Chomsky and Adele Goldberg, you will learn to understand and analyse how your native tongue is at the same time similar and different from many other languages. You will learn the basic concepts of linguistics, get to know some of the key features of big and small languages and get insight into what linguists do. This course gives an introduction into the study of languages, the field of linguistics. With the support of the basic linguistic terminology that is offered in the course, you will soon be able to comment both on variety between languages, as well as on a single language’s internal structure. Anyone who wishes to understand how languages work, and how they can give us insight into the human mind is very welcome to join. The course is useful if you want to get a fairly quick introduction into linguistics, for instance because you are considering studying it further, or because you are interested in a neighbouring discipline such as psychology, computer science or anthropology. Furthermore, the course will help you develop analytical skills. If you are curious to understand how language works and how it gives insight into the human mind, this course is definitely for you!
              Nowadays, there is an increasing number of people who are interested in Chinese culture and language. And it is useful to know about the language when coming to China for travel or business. This is an ABC Chinese course for beginners, including introduction of phonetics and daily expressions. After taking this class, learners can have a basic understanding of Chinese Mandarin and make basic conversations of daily living such as exchanging personal information, talking about daily arrangements and food, asking about price, introducing the city and the weather, telling your hobbies etc. Selected topics and situations come from real life scenarios and can be used for everyday communications. In addition to the dialogues, the selection of reading materials and practice activities will make the content as rich and varied as possible, in order to stimulate the learners’ interests. This is an elementary course on Chinese speaking. The learners don’t need to study Chinese characters, so it is easier to follow and complete this course.
                Welcome to Learn to Speak Korean 1! This course is for beginner students who are familiar with the Korean alphabet, Hangeul. Through this course students will learn the skills essential for daily interactions with Koreans while living in Korea. This course consists of six modules, and each module is composed of five units. Each unit has vocabulary, grammar and expressions, conversation practice, video clips, quizzes, a workbook, and vocabulary lists. In order to assist students with their independent studies, Korean learning materials such as lecture notes, workbooks, and vocabulary lists detailing each day’s lecture are also provided. The vocabulary lists are accompanied by English, Chinese, and Japanese translations. I hope that you enjoy all this program has to offer over the next six weeks. After studying in this program, you will be able to have a real Korean conversation with your newly acquired knowledge of the Korean language. Thank you! Your Course Team Chief Contents Developer: Sang Mee Han Contents Developers: Bock Ja Lee, Yoo Kyung Choi, Ha Min Cho, Ju Eun Kim Production Assistants: Jin Hee Kim, Eun Hye Kim
                  Japanese language has become extremely popular among learners in recent years, since it is the best way to explore one of the richest and most mysterious cultures of the modern East. This course is aimed at those who are interested in understanding Japanese way of thinking and view of the world through learning the language. Course materials are provided by the teaching staff from the Department of Japan Studies. Upon completion of this course the learners will be able: 1. To read texts in Japanese and write using the hiragana and katakana scripts as well as the kanji characters. 2. To understand basic vocabulary in speech and use it in everyday communicative situations (shopping, traveling, visiting friends, phone conversations etc). 3. To form their own sentences using the provided grammar material. This course introduces a lot of new grammar constructions, useful vocabulary and conversational phrases to the learners, who already completed Japanese for beginners 1. Five units of this course aim to enrich learners oral and written speech and help in acquiring fluency in Japanese.
                    This course is an introductory course to Korean language that aims to cultivate basic communication skill for those that are interested in learning Korean language. The course is composed of essential expressions that are often used in everyday life, and designed to teach grammars using basic dialogues which reflect colloquial characteristics of Korean language so by end of this course, a student will be able to express him/herself on ordinary topics. Also, the course provides dialogues used in both formal and informal situations to help students to express in Korean language appropriately in particular situations, and provides various material to help students to understand unique culture of Korean language. Chief Contents Developer: Won-Sook Hyun Contents Developers: Eun-Sil Hong, Ha-ra Yu Production Assistant: Sa-ra Yoo Part of this course was developed with K-MOOC(Korean MOOC) funds.